Hi Everyone!
I have a new video today featuring the latest Tonic Studios Craft Kit! It features lots goodies including a die set which can be used to create a pop-up sentiment card! I rarely make interactive cards but they’re so much fun!

You can check out the video here or over on my YouTube channel:
The kit also contains lots of other goodies which are standard for Tonic kits. My favorite part is always the pretty cardstocks and paper which I hoard! I think it may already be sold out but subscribers will be sure not to miss out, and if you’re lucky enough to have this particular kit coming to you, I’m hopeful my video provides a helpful how-to!

You can also embellish the front of the card – I chose to keep it simple adding a pretty band and of course some Nuvo Drops which add detail but also help keep the band on when dry!

If you’d like to see me create more interactive cards be sure to let me know in the comments!

I’ve provided a link to a monthly subscription below although please note if you aren’t already a subscriber, this particular kit is sold out (affiliate link).
Jenny x

Wonderful tutorial for a gorgeous card, Jenny! I hope whatever is wrong with your wrist or hand gets better soon!!
Thanks Enna! Sliced my thumb up when cooking ! It’s getting there!